Bugdet Implementation KAA 2015 not yet available 100%

Metrotvnews.com, Jakarta : Deputy Minister of Finance Mardiasmo ensume that the cots of the Asian-African Conference (KAA) reaching 200 billion already liquid, no dubt it is not 100 %.

"The funds allocated from the state budget there are liquid, but a gradual and not 100 percent, " said Masdianso, after attending the opening of the exhibition on KSST in order KAA 2015, at Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Sundat (19/04.2015)

He did not deny it should on 23 Aril 2015 the fund has been entirely 100 percent liquid or lliquid. To that end, Masdianso claims will check the location of the problem why the funds are not fully liquid.

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